One Heart

The Most Sacred and Royal Heart of Jesus and the Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary are truly One and the same Heart, may my poor heart someday be one with theirs.

Location: Florence, Italy

I am a Roman Catholic, Pro-Life (No exceptions, no compromise), radical right-wing conservative... And I'm loving it!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Love of a Mother

This is another excerpt from a letter that I thought I could put out there. So if it seems like another random stream of consciousness, well, that would be because it is!!

[I am filled with awe at the prospect of becoming a spouse of the King of kings. And then, by virtue of that grace and honor, I will also become a mother to all God’s children. That thought, too, is a bit overwhelming. It obviously isn’t the same thing as being a biological mother (although that is an awesome and wonderful vocation from God). Spiritual motherhood is a profound sharing in the Motherhood of Our Lady. The love of a consecrated religious must be like hers...pure, entire, selfless, detached. We must give each soul we meet all of ourselves through the Heart of Our Lord. We must spend ourselves, sacrifice ourselves (like Our Spouse, to the very last drop of our blood – either in red martyrdom or in white martyrdom). But we are to never seek love in return. A natural mother desires (and rightfully should) that her children love her in return. But such is not the maternal love of a spiritual mother. At times we are loved in return, and this is a blessing, but it is neither expected nor sought. Ultimately we must wish to be forgotten so that all hearts are focused on the Sacred Heart alone. We must guide souls to love Him, but we must not distract their hearts. Also our love must be completely detached. A natural mother has a deep love of attachment for her own biological children. This is only natural and good (and even necessary to a degree) when it is properly ordered and following the Love and Will of God. Spiritual mothers must love each child of God, each soul, with the same intensity that natural mothers love their biological children, however, a spiritual mother must not have attachment to their children. The love must be pure, only for the eternal salvation of the soul, but not distant, impersonal, or cold. We must see souls as God sees them in His mercy and love. We do not judge them, but sincerely love them to the very last hair on their head. Ultimately, we see in each person’s face, the face of Our Lord. We see each soul covered with the Blood of Christ, knowing that Jesus would have come to earth, lived a life of humility, suffered and died the horrible death of the cross for that particular soul even if it were the only soul in the world. And if Our Spouse would do so much for that one soul, what are we not willing to do to bring that soul to His Heart as He so greatly desires. This is the love we are called to as spiritual mothers. Impossible with human strength alone...only by the grace of God can we hope to raise our hearts to this spiritual plane. But what joy there is in a heart that has really learned to love. Unless we (all mankind, not just consecrated) fully give ourselves we will never be fully and truly human. Like Christ, the Perfect Man, we must give all of ourselves and then we will "realize" ourselves in the true sense of the word. We must love as He loved... “Love one another as I have loved you.”]


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